How should I declare the claim?
You ought to send a written declaration (e-mail or letter) to Air Courtage. It needs to include the following details:
date, departure place, estimated arrival place, type of flight, description of the facts.
When should I declare the claim?
In case of an occurrence, you ought to send the declaration as soon as possible, and, as a maximum within 5 days, otherwise, the insurers are entitled to deny the claim.
In the event of a theft, you ought to send the declaration within 2 days.
Important information :
- Take all safety measures to prevent any further deterioration of the aircraft, any damage the wreck could cause to Third Parties …),
- Take pictures of the aircraft before removal and during dismantling,
- Communicate the details of the contact person (for the loss adjuster or the insurer).
- Communicate the contact details of the Third Parties potentially liable and request their declaration.
Which documents should I provide with?
You ought to forward the following documents:
□ Detailed list of material damages to the aircraft or to third parties’ property.
□ Contact details of Third parties involved in the claim and possible witnesses
□ Pictures of the aircraft before removal and during dismantling,
□ The police report.
□ Cost estimate of the repairs
Who will follow my file?
In case of an accident, your file will be followed by:
Chrystelle LAUNAI
Phone : ++44 (0)3306 845 108
e-mail :
no repair should be initiated without previous agreement from the insurer. Otherwise, the insurer could reject the claim.